Sinkronisasi dengan Effects

Beberapa komponen perlu melakukan sinkronisasi dengan sistem eksternal. Misalkan, Anda mungkin ingin mengontrol komponen di luar React berdasarkan state React, mengatur koneksi server, atau mengirim log analitik ketika sebuah komponen muncul di layar. Effects memungkinkan Anda menjalankan kode setelah render sehingga Anda bisa melakukan sinkronisasi dengan sistem di luar React.

Anda akan mempelajari

  • Apa itu Effect
  • Perbedaan Effect dengan event
  • Cara mendeklarasikan Effect di dalam komponen
  • How to skip re-running an Effect unnecessarily
  • Mengapa Effect berjalan dua kali di pengembangan (development) dan cara memperbaikinya

Apa itu Effect dan apa perbedaanya dengan event?

Sebelum kita membahas Effect, Anda perlu mengenal dua tipe logika di dalam komponen React:

  • Kode pe-render-an (diperkenalkan di Menggambarkan Antarmuka Pengguna) berada di tingkat atas komponen Anda. Inilah di mana Anda mengambil props dan state, mentransformasinya, dan mengembalikan JSX yang diinginkan di layar. Kode pe-render-an haruslah murni. Seperti rumus matematika, ia harus menghitung hasilnya saja, tapi tidak melakukan hal lainnya.

  • Event handlers (diperkenalkan di Menambahkan Interaktivitas) adalah fungsi bersarang di dalam komponen yang melakukan berbagai hal dan bukan hanya menghitungnya. Sebuah event handler dapat memperbarui bidang input, mengirimkan permintaan HTTP POST untuk membeli produk, atau menavigasi pengguna ke layar lain. Event handlers memiliki “efek samping” (yaitu mengubah state program) yang dihasilkan dari aksi pengguna tertentu (misalnya, tekanan tombol atau ketikan).

Terkadang hal-hal ini tidak cukup. Bayangkan sebuah komponen ChatRoom yang harus melakukan koneksi ke server obrolan (chat) ketika ditampilkan di layar. Melakukan koneksi ke server bukanlah penghitungan murni (melainkan efek samping) jadi tidak dapat dilakukan saat proses render. Meskipun itu, tidak ada event tertentu seperti klik yang akan menampilkan ChatRoom.

Effects memungkinkan Anda menentukan efek samping yang disebabkan oleh pe-render-an itu sendiri, dan bukan oleh event tertentu. Mengirim pesan di ruang obrolan merupakan event karena disebabkan secara langsung oleh pengguna yang mengeklik tombol tertentu. Namun, melakukan koneksi server merupakan Effect karena harus terjadi tanpa peduli interaksi apapun yang menyebabkan komponen ditampilkan. Effects berjalan di akhir commit setelah layar diperbarui. Ini merupakan waktu yang tepat untuk menyinkronkan komponen React dengan sistem eksternal (seperti jaringan atau pustaka pihak ketiga).


Di sini dan selanjutnya dalam teks ini, kata “Effect” yang dikapitalisasi mengacu kepada definisi khusus React yang dijelaskan di atas, seperti efek samping yang disebabkan oleh proses render. Untuk mengacu kepada konsep pemrograman secara keseluruhan, kita akan menggunakan kata “efek samping”.

Anda mungkin tidak membutuhkan Effect

Jangan terburu-buru menambahkan Effects ke dalam komponen Anda. Perlu diingat bahwa Effects umumnya digunakan untuk “melangkah ke luar” dari kode React Anda dan menyinkronkan dengan sistem eksternal. Hal ini termasuk API peramban (browser), widget pihak ketiga, jaringan, dan lainnya. Apabila Effect Anda hanya mengatur state berdasarkan state lain, Anda mungkin tidak membutuhkan Effect.

Cara menulis Effect

Untuk menulis Effect, ikuti tiga langkah berikut:

  1. Deklarasikan Effect. Secara bawaan, Effect Anda akan berjalan setiap render.
  2. Tentukan dependensi dari Effect. Kebanyakan Effect hanya perlu dijalankan ulang ketika diperlukan, bukan setiap render. Misalnya, animasi fade-in seharusnya hanya dijalankan ketika sebuah komponen muncul. Menghubungkan dan memutuskan koneksi ke ruang obrolan seharusnya hanya terjadi ketika komponen muncul dan menghilang, atau ketika ruang obrolan berubah. Anda akan belajar cara mengontrolnya dengan menentukan dependensi.
  3. Tambahkan pembersihan (cleanup) jika diperlukan. Beberapa Effect perlu menentukan cara menghentikan, membatalkan, atau membersihkan apa pun yang sedang dilakukan. Misalnya, “sambungkan koneksi” membutuhkan “lepaskan koneksi”, “berlangganan” memerlukan “hentikan langganan”, dan “fetch” membutuhkan “batal” atau “abaikan”. Anda akan belajar cara melakukan hal tersebut dengan mengembalikan fungsi pembersihan.

Mari kita lihat langkah-langkah berikut secara detil.

Langkah 1: Deklarasikan Effect

Untuk mendeklarasikan Effect di dalam komponen, impor Hook useEffect dari React:

import { useEffect } from 'react';

Kemudian, panggil Hook tersebut di atas komponen Anda dan isikan Effect tersebut dengan kode:

function MyComponent() {
useEffect(() => {
// Kode di dalam blok ini akan dijalankan setelah *setiap* render
return <div />;

Setiap kali setelah komponen Anda di-render, React akan memperbarui layar kemudian menjalankan kode di dalam useEffect. Dengan kata lain, useEffect “menunda” sepotong kode agar tidak berjalan sampai render tersebut ditampilkan di layar.

Mari kita lihat bagaimana Anda dapat menggunakan Effect untuk melakukan sinkronisasi dengan sistem eksternal. Bayangkan sebuah komponen React <VideoPlayer>. Akan lebih baik jika kita dapat mengontrol apakah video sedang diputar atau dijeda dengan mengoper prop isPlaying ke dalamnya:

<VideoPlayer isPlaying={isPlaying} />;

Komponen VideoPlayer kustom Anda me-render tag bawaan peramban <video>:

function VideoPlayer({ src, isPlaying }) {
// TODO: lakukan sesuatu dengan isPlaying
return <video src={src} />;

Namun, tag <video> pada peramban tidak memiliki prop isPlaying. Satu-satunya cara untuk mengontrolnya adalah untuk memanggil metode play() dan pause() dalam elemen DOM secara manual. Anda perlu menyinkronkan nilai prop isPlaying, yang memberitahu apakah video seharusnya sedang diputar, dengan panggilan metode seperti play() dan pause().

Pertama-tama, kita perlu mendapatkan ref ke simpul DOM <video>.

Anda mungkin tergoda untuk mencoba memanggil play() atau pause() saat pe-render-an, tapi ini tidak benar:

import { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react';

function VideoPlayer({ src, isPlaying }) {
  const ref = useRef(null);

  if (isPlaying) {;  // Memanggil ini saat rendering tidak diperbolehlkan.
  } else {
    ref.current.pause(); // Ini juga akan menyebabkan *crash*.

  return <video ref={ref} src={src} loop playsInline />;

export default function App() {
  const [isPlaying, setIsPlaying] = useState(false);
  return (
      <button onClick={() => setIsPlaying(!isPlaying)}>
        {isPlaying ? 'Pause' : 'Play'}

Alasan kode ini tidak benar adalah ia mencoba melakukan sesuati dengan simpul DOM saat proses render. Dalam React, proses render harus merupakan penghitungan murni dari JSX dan tidak boleh mengandung efek samping seperti memodifikasi DOM.

Lebih dari itu, ketika VideoPlayer dipanggil pertama kalinya, DOM belum tersedia! Belum ada simpul DOM untuk memanggil play() atau pause(), karena React tidak mengetahui DOM apa yang perlu dibuat sampai Anda mengembalikan JSX.

Solusinya adalah membungkus efek samping dengan useEffect memindahkannya keluar dari penghitungan proses render:

import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';

function VideoPlayer({ src, isPlaying }) {
const ref = useRef(null);

useEffect(() => {
if (isPlaying) {;
} else {

return <video ref={ref} src={src} loop playsInline />;

Dengan membungkus pembaruan DOM di dalam Effect, Anda memungkinkan React memperbarui layar terlebih dahulu. Kemudian Effect Anda dijalankan.

Ketika komponen VideoPlayer Anda di-render (baik pertama kalinya atau ketika di-render ulang), beberapa hal akan terjadi. Pertama, React akan memperbarui layar, memastikan tag <video> berada di dalam DOM dengan props yang benar. Kemudian React akan menjalankan Effect Anda. Pada akhirnya, Effect Anda akan memanggil play() atau pause() berdasarkan nilai dari isPlaying.

Coba tekan Putar/Jeda beberapa kali dan lihat bagaimana pemutar video tetap tersinkron dengan nilai isPlaying:

import { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react';

function VideoPlayer({ src, isPlaying }) {
  const ref = useRef(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (isPlaying) {;
    } else {

  return <video ref={ref} src={src} loop playsInline />;

export default function App() {
  const [isPlaying, setIsPlaying] = useState(false);
  return (
      <button onClick={() => setIsPlaying(!isPlaying)}>
        {isPlaying ? 'Jeda' : 'Putar'}

Dalam contoh ini, “sistem eksternal” yang Anda sinkronisasi ke state React adalah API media peramban. Anda dapat menggunakan pendekatan sama untuk membungkus kode lama di luar React (seperti plugin jQuery) ke komponen deklaratif React.

Perlu dicatat bahwa mengontrol pemutar video jauh lebih kompleks dalam praktiknya. Memanggil play() bisa gagal, pengguna dapat memutar atau menjeda menggunakan kontrol peramban bawaan, dan sebagainya. Contoh ini sangat disederhanakan dan tidak lengkap.


Secara bawaan, Effects dijalankan setelah setiap render. Inilah sebabnya mengapa kode seperti ini akan menghasilkan perulangan tak terbatas (infinite loop):

const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
setCount(count + 1);

Effects dijalankan sebagai hasil rendering. Mengatur state memicu rendering. Mengatur state secara langsung dalam suatu Effect, seperti mencolokkan stopkontak ke stopkontak itu sendiri. Effect berjalan, mengatur state, yang menyebabkan render ulang, yang menyebabkan Effect berjalan, mengatur state lagi, yang menyebabkan render ulang, dan seterusnya.

Perlu diingat bahwa Effects umumnya digunakan untuk “melangkah ke luar” dari kode React Anda dan menyinkronkan dengan sistem eksternal. Hal ini termasuk API peramban (browser), widget pihak ketiga, jaringan, dan lainnya. Apabila Effect Anda hanya mengatur state berdasarkan state lain, Anda mungkin tidak membutuhkan Effect.

Effects biasanya hanya digunakan untuk menyinkronkan komponen Anda dengan sistem eksternal. Jika tidak ada sistem eksternal dan Anda hanya ingin mengatur state berdasarkan state lain, Anda mungkin tidak membutuhkan Effect.

Langkah 2: Tentukan dependensi dari Effect

Secara bawaan, Effects berjalan setelah setiap render. Seringkali, ini bukan yang Anda inginkan:

  • Terkadang, lambat. Sinkronisasi dengan sistem eksternal tidak selalu instan, jadi Anda mungkin ingin melewatkannya kecuali jika diperlukan. Misalnya, Anda tidak ingin menyambung kembali ke server obrolan pada setiap penekanan papan ketik.
  • Terkadang, tidak benar. Misalnya, Anda tidak ingin memicu animasi fade-in komponen pada setiap penekanan papan ketik. Animasi seharusnya hanya diputar satu kali ketika komponen muncul untuk pertama kalinya.

Untuk mendemonstrasikan masalah ini, berikut adalah contoh sebelumnya dengan beberapa panggilan console.log dan input teks yang memperbarui state komponen induk. Perhatikan bagaimana pengetikan menyebabkan Effect dijalankan kembali:

import { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react';

function VideoPlayer({ src, isPlaying }) {
  const ref = useRef(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (isPlaying) {
    } else {
      console.log('Memanggil video.pause()');

  return <video ref={ref} src={src} loop playsInline />;

export default function App() {
  const [isPlaying, setIsPlaying] = useState(false);
  const [text, setText] = useState('');
  return (
      <input value={text} onChange={e => setText(} />
      <button onClick={() => setIsPlaying(!isPlaying)}>
        {isPlaying ? 'Jeda' : 'Putar'}

Anda dapat memberi tahu React untuk melewatkan menjalankan ulang Effect yang tidak perlu dengan menspesifikasikan senarai dependencies sebagai argumen kedua pada pemanggilan useEffect. Mulai dengan menambahkan senarai kosong [] ke dalam contoh di atas pada baris 14:

useEffect(() => {
// ...
}, []);

Anda akan melihat error yang mengatakan React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency: 'isPlaying':

import { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react';

function VideoPlayer({ src, isPlaying }) {
  const ref = useRef(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (isPlaying) {
    } else {
      console.log('Memanggil video.pause()');
  }, []); // This causes an error

  return <video ref={ref} src={src} loop playsInline />;

export default function App() {
  const [isPlaying, setIsPlaying] = useState(false);
  const [text, setText] = useState('');
  return (
      <input value={text} onChange={e => setText(} />
      <button onClick={() => setIsPlaying(!isPlaying)}>
        {isPlaying ? 'Jeda' : 'Putar'}

Masalahnya adalah kode di dalam Effect Anda tergantung pada prop isPlaying untuk memutuskan apa yang harus dilakukan, tetapi ketergantungan ini tidak dideklarasikan secara eksplisit. Untuk memperbaiki masalah ini, tambahkan isPlaying ke dalam senarai dependensi:

useEffect(() => {
if (isPlaying) { // Digunakan di sini...
// ...
} else {
// ...
}, [isPlaying]); // ...jadi harus dideklarasikan di sini!

Sekarang semua dependensi dideklarasikan, jadi tidak ada error. Menentukan [isPlaying] sebagai senarai dependensi memberi tahu React ia harus melewati menjalankan ulang Effect Anda apabila isPlaying sama seperti saat render sebelumnya. Dengan perubahan ini, mengetik pada input tidak menyebabkan Effect dijalankan ulang, tapi menekan Putar/Jeda akan menyebabkannya:

import { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react';

function VideoPlayer({ src, isPlaying }) {
  const ref = useRef(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (isPlaying) {
    } else {
      console.log('Memanggil video.pause()');
  }, [isPlaying]);

  return <video ref={ref} src={src} loop playsInline />;

export default function App() {
  const [isPlaying, setIsPlaying] = useState(false);
  const [text, setText] = useState('');
  return (
      <input value={text} onChange={e => setText(} />
      <button onClick={() => setIsPlaying(!isPlaying)}>
        {isPlaying ? 'Jeda' : 'Putar'}

Senarai dependensi dapat berisi lebih dari satu dependensi. React hanya akan melewatkan menjalankan ulang Effect jika semua dependensi yang Anda tentukan memiliki nilai yang sama persis dengan nilai yang mereka miliki saat render sebelumnya. React membandingkan nilai dependensi menggunakan fungsi pembanding Lihat referensi useEffect untuk detailnya.

Perhatikan bahwa Anda tidak dapat “memilih” dependensi Anda. Anda akan mendapatkan lint error jika dependensi yang Anda tentukan tidak sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan oleh React berdasarkan kode di dalam Effect Anda. Hal ini membantu menangkap banyak bug dalam kode Anda. Jika Anda tidak ingin beberapa kode dijalankan ulang, edit kode Effect itu sendiri untuk tidak “membutuhkan” dependensi tersebut.


Perilaku tanpa senarai dependensi dan dengan senarai dependensi kosong [] berbeda:

useEffect(() => {
// Ini dijalankan setiap render

useEffect(() => {
// Ini hanya dijalankan setiap pemasangan (ketika komponen ditampilkan)
}, []);

useEffect(() => {
// Ini dijalankan setiap pemasangan *dan juga* ketika a atau b telah berubah sejak render sebelumnya
}, [a, b]);

Kita akan mencermati secara dekat, apa arti “pemasangan” dalam langkah berikutnya.


Mengapa ref dihilangkan dari senarai dependensi?

Effect ini menggunakan ref dan isPlaying, tapi hanya isPlaying yang dideklarasikan sebagai dependensi:

function VideoPlayer({ src, isPlaying }) {
const ref = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (isPlaying) {;
} else {
}, [isPlaying]);

Hal ini dikarenakan objek ref memiliki identitas yang stabil: React menjamin Anda akan selalu mendapatkan objek yang sama dari pemanggilan useRef yang sama pada setiap render. Objek tersebut tidak pernah berubah, sehingga tidak akan pernah dengan sendirinya menyebabkan Effect dijalankan ulang. Oleh karena itu, tidak masalah apakah Anda menyertakannya atau tidak. Memasukkannya juga tidak masalah:

function VideoPlayer({ src, isPlaying }) {
const ref = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (isPlaying) {;
} else {
}, [isPlaying, ref]);

Fungsi set yang dikembalikan oleh useState juga memiliki identitas yang stabil, sehingga Anda akan sering melihat fungsi ini dihilangkan dari dependensi. Jika linter mengizinkan Anda menghilangkan sebuah dependensi tanpa kesalahan, maka hal ini aman untuk dilakukan.

Menghilangkan dependensi yang selalu stabil hanya berfungsi ketika linter dapat “melihat” bahwa objek tersebut stabil. Sebagai contoh, jika ref dioper dari komponen induk, Anda harus menspesifikasikannya dalam senarai dependensi. However, this is good because you can’t know whether the parent component always passes the same ref, or passes one of several refs conditionally. So your Effect would depend on which ref is passed.

Langkah 3: Tambahkan pembersihan jika diperlukan

Consider a different example. You’re writing a ChatRoom component that needs to connect to the chat server when it appears. You are given a createConnection() API that returns an object with connect() and disconnect() methods. How do you keep the component connected while it is displayed to the user?

Start by writing the Effect logic:

useEffect(() => {
const connection = createConnection();

It would be slow to connect to the chat after every re-render, so you add the dependency array:

useEffect(() => {
const connection = createConnection();
}, []);

The code inside the Effect does not use any props or state, so your dependency array is [] (empty). This tells React to only run this code when the component “mounts”, i.e. appears on the screen for the first time.

Let’s try running this code:

import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { createConnection } from './chat.js';

export default function ChatRoom() {
  useEffect(() => {
    const connection = createConnection();
  }, []);
  return <h1>Welcome to the chat!</h1>;

This Effect only runs on mount, so you might expect "✅ Connecting..." to be printed once in the console. However, if you check the console, "✅ Connecting..." gets printed twice. Why does it happen?

Imagine the ChatRoom component is a part of a larger app with many different screens. The user starts their journey on the ChatRoom page. The component mounts and calls connection.connect(). Then imagine the user navigates to another screen—for example, to the Settings page. The ChatRoom component unmounts. Finally, the user clicks Back and ChatRoom mounts again. This would set up a second connection—but the first connection was never destroyed! As the user navigates across the app, the connections would keep piling up.

Bugs like this are easy to miss without extensive manual testing. To help you spot them quickly, in development React remounts every component once immediately after its initial mount.

Seeing the "✅ Connecting..." log twice helps you notice the real issue: your code doesn’t close the connection when the component unmounts.

To fix the issue, return a cleanup function from your Effect:

useEffect(() => {
const connection = createConnection();
return () => {
}, []);

React will call your cleanup function each time before the Effect runs again, and one final time when the component unmounts (gets removed). Let’s see what happens when the cleanup function is implemented:

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { createConnection } from './chat.js';

export default function ChatRoom() {
  useEffect(() => {
    const connection = createConnection();
    return () => connection.disconnect();
  }, []);
  return <h1>Welcome to the chat!</h1>;

Now you get three console logs in development:

  1. "✅ Connecting..."
  2. "❌ Disconnected."
  3. "✅ Connecting..."

This is the correct behavior in development. By remounting your component, React verifies that navigating away and back would not break your code. Disconnecting and then connecting again is exactly what should happen! When you implement the cleanup well, there should be no user-visible difference between running the Effect once vs running it, cleaning it up, and running it again. There’s an extra connect/disconnect call pair because React is probing your code for bugs in development. This is normal—don’t try to make it go away!

In production, you would only see "✅ Connecting..." printed once. Remounting components only happens in development to help you find Effects that need cleanup. You can turn off Strict Mode to opt out of the development behavior, but we recommend keeping it on. This lets you find many bugs like the one above.

How to handle the Effect firing twice in development?

React intentionally remounts your components in development to find bugs like in the last example. The right question isn’t “how to run an Effect once”, but “how to fix my Effect so that it works after remounting”.

Usually, the answer is to implement the cleanup function. The cleanup function should stop or undo whatever the Effect was doing. The rule of thumb is that the user shouldn’t be able to distinguish between the Effect running once (as in production) and a setup → cleanup → setup sequence (as you’d see in development).

Most of the Effects you’ll write will fit into one of the common patterns below.

Controlling non-React widgets

Sometimes you need to add UI widgets that aren’t written to React. For example, let’s say you’re adding a map component to your page. It has a setZoomLevel() method, and you’d like to keep the zoom level in sync with a zoomLevel state variable in your React code. Your Effect would look similar to this:

useEffect(() => {
const map = mapRef.current;
}, [zoomLevel]);

Note that there is no cleanup needed in this case. In development, React will call the Effect twice, but this is not a problem because calling setZoomLevel twice with the same value does not do anything. It may be slightly slower, but this doesn’t matter because it won’t remount needlessly in production.

Some APIs may not allow you to call them twice in a row. For example, the showModal method of the built-in <dialog> element throws if you call it twice. Implement the cleanup function and make it close the dialog:

useEffect(() => {
const dialog = dialogRef.current;
return () => dialog.close();
}, []);

In development, your Effect will call showModal(), then immediately close(), and then showModal() again. This has the same user-visible behavior as calling showModal() once, as you would see in production.

Subscribing to events

If your Effect subscribes to something, the cleanup function should unsubscribe:

useEffect(() => {
function handleScroll(e) {
console.log(window.scrollX, window.scrollY);
window.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll);
return () => window.removeEventListener('scroll', handleScroll);
}, []);

In development, your Effect will call addEventListener(), then immediately removeEventListener(), and then addEventListener() again with the same handler. So there would be only one active subscription at a time. This has the same user-visible behavior as calling addEventListener() once, as in production.

Triggering animations

If your Effect animates something in, the cleanup function should reset the animation to the initial values:

useEffect(() => {
const node = ref.current; = 1; // Trigger the animation
return () => { = 0; // Reset to the initial value
}, []);

In development, opacity will be set to 1, then to 0, and then to 1 again. This should have the same user-visible behavior as setting it to 1 directly, which is what would happen in production. If you use a third-party animation library with support for tweening, your cleanup function should reset the timeline to its initial state.

Fetching data

If your Effect fetches something, the cleanup function should either abort the fetch or ignore its result:

useEffect(() => {
let ignore = false;

async function startFetching() {
const json = await fetchTodos(userId);
if (!ignore) {


return () => {
ignore = true;
}, [userId]);

You can’t “undo” a network request that already happened, but your cleanup function should ensure that the fetch that’s not relevant anymore does not keep affecting your application. If the userId changes from 'Alice' to 'Bob', cleanup ensures that the 'Alice' response is ignored even if it arrives after 'Bob'.

In development, you will see two fetches in the Network tab. There is nothing wrong with that. With the approach above, the first Effect will immediately get cleaned up so its copy of the ignore variable will be set to true. So even though there is an extra request, it won’t affect the state thanks to the if (!ignore) check.

In production, there will only be one request. If the second request in development is bothering you, the best approach is to use a solution that deduplicates requests and caches their responses between components:

function TodoList() {
const todos = useSomeDataLibrary(`/api/user/${userId}/todos`);
// ...

This will not only improve the development experience, but also make your application feel faster. For example, the user pressing the Back button won’t have to wait for some data to load again because it will be cached. You can either build such a cache yourself or use one of the many alternatives to manual fetching in Effects.


What are good alternatives to data fetching in Effects?

Writing fetch calls inside Effects is a popular way to fetch data, especially in fully client-side apps. This is, however, a very manual approach and it has significant downsides:

  • Effects don’t run on the server. This means that the initial server-rendered HTML will only include a loading state with no data. The client computer will have to download all JavaScript and render your app only to discover that now it needs to load the data. This is not very efficient.
  • Fetching directly in Effects makes it easy to create “network waterfalls”. You render the parent component, it fetches some data, renders the child components, and then they start fetching their data. If the network is not very fast, this is significantly slower than fetching all data in parallel.
  • Fetching directly in Effects usually means you don’t preload or cache data. For example, if the component unmounts and then mounts again, it would have to fetch the data again.
  • It’s not very ergonomic. There’s quite a bit of boilerplate code involved when writing fetch calls in a way that doesn’t suffer from bugs like race conditions.

This list of downsides is not specific to React. It applies to fetching data on mount with any library. Like with routing, data fetching is not trivial to do well, so we recommend the following approaches:

  • If you use a framework, use its built-in data fetching mechanism. Modern React frameworks have integrated data fetching mechanisms that are efficient and don’t suffer from the above pitfalls.
  • Otherwise, consider using or building a client-side cache. Popular open source solutions include React Query, useSWR, and React Router 6.4+. You can build your own solution too, in which case you would use Effects under the hood, but add logic for deduplicating requests, caching responses, and avoiding network waterfalls (by preloading data or hoisting data requirements to routes).

You can continue fetching data directly in Effects if neither of these approaches suit you.

Sending analytics

Consider this code that sends an analytics event on the page visit:

useEffect(() => {
logVisit(url); // Sends a POST request
}, [url]);

In development, logVisit will be called twice for every URL, so you might be tempted to try to fix that. We recommend keeping this code as is. Like with earlier examples, there is no user-visible behavior difference between running it once and running it twice. From a practical point of view, logVisit should not do anything in development because you don’t want the logs from the development machines to skew the production metrics. Your component remounts every time you save its file, so it logs extra visits in development anyway.

In production, there will be no duplicate visit logs.

To debug the analytics events you’re sending, you can deploy your app to a staging environment (which runs in production mode) or temporarily opt out of Strict Mode and its development-only remounting checks. You may also send analytics from the route change event handlers instead of Effects. For more precise analytics, intersection observers can help track which components are in the viewport and how long they remain visible.

Not an Effect: Initializing the application

Some logic should only run once when the application starts. You can put it outside your components:

if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { // Check if we're running in the browser.

function App() {
// ...

This guarantees that such logic only runs once after the browser loads the page.

Not an Effect: Buying a product

Sometimes, even if you write a cleanup function, there’s no way to prevent user-visible consequences of running the Effect twice. For example, maybe your Effect sends a POST request like buying a product:

useEffect(() => {
// 🔴 Wrong: This Effect fires twice in development, exposing a problem in the code.
fetch('/api/buy', { method: 'POST' });
}, []);

You wouldn’t want to buy the product twice. However, this is also why you shouldn’t put this logic in an Effect. What if the user goes to another page and then presses Back? Your Effect would run again. You don’t want to buy the product when the user visits a page; you want to buy it when the user clicks the Buy button.

Buying is not caused by rendering; it’s caused by a specific interaction. It should run only when the user presses the button. Delete the Effect and move your /api/buy request into the Buy button event handler:

function handleClick() {
// ✅ Buying is an event because it is caused by a particular interaction.
fetch('/api/buy', { method: 'POST' });

This illustrates that if remounting breaks the logic of your application, this usually uncovers existing bugs. From a user’s perspective, visiting a page shouldn’t be different from visiting it, clicking a link, then pressing Back to view the page again. React verifies that your components abide by this principle by remounting them once in development.

Putting it all together

This playground can help you “get a feel” for how Effects work in practice.

This example uses setTimeout to schedule a console log with the input text to appear three seconds after the Effect runs. The cleanup function cancels the pending timeout. Start by pressing “Mount the component”:

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

function Playground() {
  const [text, setText] = useState('a');

  useEffect(() => {
    function onTimeout() {
      console.log('⏰ ' + text);

    console.log('🔵 Schedule "' + text + '" log');
    const timeoutId = setTimeout(onTimeout, 3000);

    return () => {
      console.log('🟡 Cancel "' + text + '" log');
  }, [text]);

  return (
        What to log:{' '}
          onChange={e => setText(}

export default function App() {
  const [show, setShow] = useState(false);
  return (
      <button onClick={() => setShow(!show)}>
        {show ? 'Unmount' : 'Mount'} the component
      {show && <hr />}
      {show && <Playground />}

You will see three logs at first: Schedule "a" log, Cancel "a" log, and Schedule "a" log again. Three second later there will also be a log saying a. As you learned earlier, the extra schedule/cancel pair is because React remounts the component once in development to verify that you’ve implemented cleanup well.

Now edit the input to say abc. If you do it fast enough, you’ll see Schedule "ab" log immediately followed by Cancel "ab" log and Schedule "abc" log. React always cleans up the previous render’s Effect before the next render’s Effect. This is why even if you type into the input fast, there is at most one timeout scheduled at a time. Edit the input a few times and watch the console to get a feel for how Effects get cleaned up.

Type something into the input and then immediately press “Unmount the component”. Notice how unmounting cleans up the last render’s Effect. Here, it clears the last timeout before it has a chance to fire.

Finally, edit the component above and comment out the cleanup function so that the timeouts don’t get cancelled. Try typing abcde fast. What do you expect to happen in three seconds? Will console.log(text) inside the timeout print the latest text and produce five abcde logs? Give it a try to check your intuition!

Three seconds later, you should see a sequence of logs (a, ab, abc, abcd, and abcde) rather than five abcde logs. Each Effect “captures” the text value from its corresponding render. It doesn’t matter that the text state changed: an Effect from the render with text = 'ab' will always see 'ab'. In other words, Effects from each render are isolated from each other. If you’re curious how this works, you can read about closures.


Each render has its own Effects

You can think of useEffect as “attaching” a piece of behavior to the render output. Consider this Effect:

export default function ChatRoom({ roomId }) {
useEffect(() => {
const connection = createConnection(roomId);
return () => connection.disconnect();
}, [roomId]);

return <h1>Welcome to {roomId}!</h1>;

Let’s see what exactly happens as the user navigates around the app.

Initial render

The user visits <ChatRoom roomId="general" />. Let’s mentally substitute roomId with 'general':

// JSX for the first render (roomId = "general")
return <h1>Welcome to general!</h1>;

The Effect is also a part of the rendering output. The first render’s Effect becomes:

// Effect for the first render (roomId = "general")
() => {
const connection = createConnection('general');
return () => connection.disconnect();
// Dependencies for the first render (roomId = "general")

React runs this Effect, which connects to the 'general' chat room.

Re-render with same dependencies

Let’s say <ChatRoom roomId="general" /> re-renders. The JSX output is the same:

// JSX for the second render (roomId = "general")
return <h1>Welcome to general!</h1>;

React sees that the rendering output has not changed, so it doesn’t update the DOM.

The Effect from the second render looks like this:

// Effect for the second render (roomId = "general")
() => {
const connection = createConnection('general');
return () => connection.disconnect();
// Dependencies for the second render (roomId = "general")

React compares ['general'] from the second render with ['general'] from the first render. Because all dependencies are the same, React ignores the Effect from the second render. It never gets called.

Re-render with different dependencies

Then, the user visits <ChatRoom roomId="travel" />. This time, the component returns different JSX:

// JSX for the third render (roomId = "travel")
return <h1>Welcome to travel!</h1>;

React updates the DOM to change "Welcome to general" into "Welcome to travel".

The Effect from the third render looks like this:

// Effect for the third render (roomId = "travel")
() => {
const connection = createConnection('travel');
return () => connection.disconnect();
// Dependencies for the third render (roomId = "travel")

React compares ['travel'] from the third render with ['general'] from the second render. One dependency is different:'travel', 'general') is false. The Effect can’t be skipped.

Before React can apply the Effect from the third render, it needs to clean up the last Effect that did run. The second render’s Effect was skipped, so React needs to clean up the first render’s Effect. If you scroll up to the first render, you’ll see that its cleanup calls disconnect() on the connection that was created with createConnection('general'). This disconnects the app from the 'general' chat room.

After that, React runs the third render’s Effect. It connects to the 'travel' chat room.


Finally, let’s say the user navigates away, and the ChatRoom component unmounts. React runs the last Effect’s cleanup function. The last Effect was from the third render. The third render’s cleanup destroys the createConnection('travel') connection. So the app disconnects from the 'travel' room.

Development-only behaviors

When Strict Mode is on, React remounts every component once after mount (state and DOM are preserved). This helps you find Effects that need cleanup and exposes bugs like race conditions early. Additionally, React will remount the Effects whenever you save a file in development. Both of these behaviors are development-only.


  • Unlike events, Effects are caused by rendering itself rather than a particular interaction.
  • Effects let you synchronize a component with some external system (third-party API, network, etc).
  • By default, Effects run after every render (including the initial one).
  • React will skip the Effect if all of its dependencies have the same values as during the last render.
  • You can’t “choose” your dependencies. They are determined by the code inside the Effect.
  • Empty dependency array ([]) corresponds to the component “mounting”, i.e. being added to the screen.
  • In Strict Mode, React mounts components twice (in development only!) to stress-test your Effects.
  • If your Effect breaks because of remounting, you need to implement a cleanup function.
  • React will call your cleanup function before the Effect runs next time, and during the unmount.

Tantangan 1 dari 4:
Focus a field on mount

In this example, the form renders a <MyInput /> component.

Use the input’s focus() method to make MyInput automatically focus when it appears on the screen. There is already a commented out implementation, but it doesn’t quite work. Figure out why it doesn’t work, and fix it. (If you’re familiar with the autoFocus attribute, pretend that it does not exist: we are reimplementing the same functionality from scratch.)

import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';

export default function MyInput({ value, onChange }) {
  const ref = useRef(null);

  // TODO: This doesn't quite work. Fix it.
  // ref.current.focus()    

  return (

To verify that your solution works, press “Show form” and verify that the input receives focus (becomes highlighted and the cursor is placed inside). Press “Hide form” and “Show form” again. Verify the input is highlighted again.

MyInput should only focus on mount rather than after every render. To verify that the behavior is right, press “Show form” and then repeatedly press the “Make it uppercase” checkbox. Clicking the checkbox should not focus the input above it.